
Koyasan to Yatomi City – October 31, 2023

Travel Day – Backpacks on outside Muryoko-in Temple

Travel Day – Backpacks on outside Muryoko-in Temple

Boarding the Funicular at Koyasan Station – En route to Gokurako Bashi, Hashimoto, Nankai Namba, Osaka Metro, Shin-Osaka, Nagoya, and Yatomi Ciry to visit Toshio and Noriko Taki

Our new friends and train station – metro guides Greg and Mary Ann from Canberra. We kept running into them in Koyasan and then became fast friends on the funicular and trains on our mutual journey to Shin-Osaka.
Greg and Mary Ann had been hiking the 88 Temple Route while we were exploring the Kumano Kodo and Taishas

Our Shinkansen Bullet Train trip from Shin-Osaka to Nagoya

Arrival at Nagoya Station

Reunion with Toshio after 8 years since the last time my Mom and Dad were in Japan in 2016. The last time I saw Toshio was in 1989 at Fumiaki Naito’s wedding. My family has been in communication with Noriko for over 20 years but never met her in person until now.

Mom, Toshio, and I

Gift exchange before onsen and dinner with Noriko and Toshio

A wonderful dinner with our lovely friends Toshio and Noriko!